Bear Hunting Magazine is one of the few left, Kolby Morehead has a podcast and a huntcast, both are great to listen too. This story (narrated by Kolby) was in Tales from the Trail #1, he does a great job,
I encourage everyone to give it a listen…
Bill and I have had a good start to the spring bear hunt; it started out with a couple early trips that failed miserably. But once we got there the high basins delivered. I took a massive 6'8' boar, 20 4/8" skull (green)
A couple weeks later Bill connected on this dandy 6'3" bruin, 19 7/8" skull (green). there is still a few weeks left, yehaaa..
It's almost 'go' time for our 2023 goat hunt, I can hardly wait. Over the years I have killed many goats, this one, from 1996, up on the Yukon border sticks out as it was on a solo backpack hunt. I'm not sure what I was thinking hiking 3 days back, over two ranges, but man oh man I killed a tank! #bndproductionsca #mountainhunting #lovewhatyoudo&dowhatyoulove
We ended up killing this big old warrior. 6’2”nose-tail (not stretched). Beauty bear!!! #bndproductionsca, #bearhunting #❤️nbc #lovewhatyoudo&dowhatyoulove
7 days out at our cabin, we ended up seeing 17 different bears, 2 grizzlies, 3 lynx, a bunch of moose and 1 white wolf.
Bill, Tom and Dawson with Dawson's Muskox. What a fantastic adventure with Polar Trophy Hunt
Kangerlussuaq, Greenland
Bill, Tom and Dawson with Bill's Muskox.
This is a decent PG bull Moose I killed years ago. He had a huge body, I’m tired just remembering the pack out all by myself. What a fun memory. #bndproductions #huntbc #lovewhatyoudo&dowhatyoulove
Getting to spend time in northern BC mountains is always great. July weather is usually pretty good but it certainly can offer challenges. Home from another super fun adventure with the Terrace SAR’s team and Nadine D'Aragon.
When I was just a little kid, I read (National Geographic) about the Himba people of the Sahara desert, I was amazed and frankly still am. A couple years ago my buddy Geoff #ghkodiak and I traveled to Windhoek, Namibia for an epic hunt. We killed a Zebra, Kudu, Antelope, Blesbok, Caracal, Warthog and a killer Blue Gnu, but this picture by far is my favourite memory of the trip. #africa #himbatribe #adventure #huntingisapassion #bndproductions #tailsfromthetrail2
Exciting News!